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You have been kind enough to begin the education process for both of my boys and I sincerely believe that we could not have asked for better. Bloomfield is an amazing school, filled with love, hugs and big smiles. Above all you have created a happy and welcoming environment where the children ease into being educated without even realizing it.


I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunities you have given them. I wouldn’t want our journey with Bloomfield to end without you knowing how much you are valued and how critical a role you have played in both Josh and Somers’ development.

- Julia & Ryan Mather 

Thank you for making the mommies and daddies feel so special with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day events. We are cognizant of the fact that the days of our little boy being small are flying by and we want to thank you for all you do to make these years so magical for all the kids at Bloomfield.

- Emily & Michael 

Bloomfield has been part of our lives for five years and in that time it has never failed to impress us with the education and care that you have given to Alice and Max. From the compassion shown on those teary days, food allergy management to the amazing activities organized and all the fun they have both had. The dedication and commitment of everyone there is second to none. They were both very lucky to have such a wonderful introduction to school!

- Claire S.

I wanted to let you know how grateful John and I are from the bottom of our hearts for all of you.  The Bloomfield experience was beyond any expectation we ever had, and we will always cherish this last year.  Corby and Jack have grown exponentially - it's so hard to believe they are the same little people that started nursery in September. We are amazed, and more importantly - they are so very happy. Thank you for all the love and nurturing you gave Corby and Jack (and John and me!). You are a terrific team together.

- Christina, John, Corby & Jack 

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